Christmas time is also divorce time: UK survey

A little known fact among the public but well known to divorce attorneys is that the days following the year end holidays are the busiest time of year for divorce filings.  An article which can be found here provides some interesting insights from a survey conducted in the UK.

Among the findings of the survey:

Sixteen per cent  of the UK's adults have experienced an argument with a partner during the festive season which made them contemplate splitting up, 9 per cent  have experience a relationship breakdown during Christmas and 8 per cent  have ignored the feeling of wanting to break up because it is Christmas.

Over three quarters of the UK's adults agree that the stress of the recession is more likely to separate couples (78 per cent ). Separated and divorced people are more likely to take this view (87 per cent  and 87 per cent  vs. 78 per cent  of single people)