Skenazy challenges overprotective parenting with "Free Range Kids"

In April 2008, writer Lenore Skenazy wrote in her column for The New York Sun that she let her then 9-year-old son take the subway home alone. Newpapers around the world covered the story as well as "The Today Show," MSNBC and more.

Skenazy let her son ride the subway alone because she thought he could handle it, but also because it was in tune with her philosophy that parents today are overprotective and in the process, kids are not getting to grow and learn as much as they could.

The subway incident led Skenazy to coin the phrase "Free Range Kids" and she later wrote a blog and a book, "Free Range Kids: Giving Our Children The Freedom We had Without Going Nuts."

via Kids & Family: Skenazy challenges overprotective parenting with Free Range Kids.

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