An Addicted Child

Katie Allison Granju wrote a book, some say the book, about attachment parenting. She writes a popular blog,, about the ups and downs of her blended family of four children, who range in age from 3 to 18, with a baby girl due this summer. As she puts it, “I’ve blogged through marriage, the end of a marriage, a horrifically painful divorce, re-entry into the full-time work force, single parenting, working motherhood, falling in love, remarriage, blended family life, pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, breast-feeding, baby- and toddlerhood.”

But there is one thing she has not blogged about, until now.

Over the years, she has dropped hints that her oldest son, whom she calls “H” on her blog, was wrestling with an unspecified something. Sharp-eyed readers probably figured it out — her worrying over what would become of her boy, his switching first to an alternative school and then to a residential program. But she kept the details to herself, walking that tightrope between writing about your family for a living and betraying your child’s privacy, while also helping other parents navigate the maze themselves.

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