10 Reasons To Try A Divorce Mediator

You've decided to seek a divorce. Your nerves are frayed. The in-laws are asked pointed questions. The children are beginning to act up in all-too-transparent ways. To top it off your pleasantness is in the midst of an earthshaking landslide.

What can you do? Clearly, you can hire legal advice. But who? Here's a checklist of reasons why working with a trained divorce mediator can often help.

Ten Reasons To Consider A Divorce Mediator

1. It costs less.

When both spouses meet with one Divorce Mediator they can share the cost, which is commonly $1000 to $5000 total. If the spouses were to retain separate attorneys to represent them in the divorce, each would be paying a retainer of about $1500 just to get started.

2. You have control.

In Divorce Mediation the couple controls how quickly or slowly decisions are made, when the divorce Petition is filed, and what the terms of the divorce will be in the Marital Settlement Agreement. Each step is by agreement, in contrast to the adversarial process in which attorneys set court dates and judges make decisions with very limited time and information.

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