Change laws to give fathers more time with their children

(This is an excerpt from an Editorial on pending legislation in Michigan)

It's often said that nothing is more American than motherhood, apple pie and Chevrolet. This common phrase reflects the reality that even in an era of inclusion, acceptance and equality in American culture, fatherhood can't compete with the sanctity of motherhood.

As working moms have scored more and more success in the workplace, gender roles within the family unit have blurred in today's world. Many dads have enthusiastically jumped headlong into the frenetic pace of family life, deftly handling the rapid-fire schedule and commitments like Barry Sanders weaving through defenders in the backfield: getting their kids ready for school, working a full day at the office, scurrying home to prepare a quick meal, helping with homework then running off to coach their kids' sports teams.

While recent years and cultural shifts have allowed some dads to display their skills on the home field, many Michigan children never get the opportunity for dads to play such a meaningful role in their lives.


As we celebrate Father's Day, there's sad news to report. Almost 40 percent of U.S. children can expect to live in a household without their biological father, according to the National Fatherhood Initiative.

via Change laws to give fathers more time with their children | | The Detroit News.

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