Ever Forget Your Baby in the Car?

n this record breaking hot summer, a number of children have been dying due to adults “forgetting” about them in the car. As we are parents of older children the youngest being 9 we had to think back to those early days of waking every two hours to feed the baby…”Try to nap when your baby does” is what everyone says, but it rarely works at least for us it didn’t...and being so physically, emotionally and mentally tired that you can barely see straight.

Never Say Never

We remember those days. You are so tired you have to ask yourself: Did I shower today? Did I take my vitamin? Pill? When we think back to being that exhausted and we Cherie and I have to think that for a parent to “forget” their child – the most precious thing in the world …you must be tired beyond belief! We are asking ourselves could we have ever left our child in the car? Could that have happened to us? Ask yourself – could you do that? We would like to think NO – that could never happen, but, if you have been a parent long enough you have learned to say to yourself…..never say NEVER. So our take on this is: Forget about "could you do it." Let's discuss prevention strategies to help you NEVER do it!

via Ever Forget Your Baby in the Car? - Parenting on Shine.

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