Help for Alzheimer's caregivers

If you're caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's, you're in plenty of company. Nearly 11 million people take care of the 5.3 million Americans with the disease, a number that's expected to grow to almost 16 million by 2050, according to the Alzheimer's Assn.

The demands of care-taking often place enormous pressure on a family's time and resources. A 2009 AARP and National Alliance for Caregiving survey found that caregivers — most commonly middle-aged women caring for a parent — give more than 20 hours of their time per week. Most say it interferes with work, and the longer someone is a caregiver, the more likely her own health is to suffer.

Experts say that handling the challenges of caring for someone with Alzheimer's depends in large part on the steps you take to reach out for support and information and devise a plan.

via Help for Alzheimer's caregivers - Los Angeles Times.

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