Women breadwinners more likely to split with their husbands

It's the money, honey.

High-flying career women who are the breadwinners in their families are nearly 40 percent more likely to get a divorce than cash-strapped ladies, a surprising 25-year study shows.

The access to dough makes it far easier for these gals to make it on their own, but bruised male egos could also play a part in the trips to splitsville, Western Washington University Sociologist Jay Teachman said yesterday.

There's plenty of examples of divorced celebrity couples with women in the driver's seat: Oscar-winner Sandra Bullock and her cheating biker ex, Jesse James, who complained her career kept her away too much; Madonna and director Guy Ritchie; and Jennifer Lopez, who first split with dancer hubby Chris Jud, and then waiter Ojani Noah.

In the study, published in the October issue of the Journal of Family Issues, researchers found the tipping point came when the wife pulled in at least 60 percent of the family's income. Couples in this position were 38 percent more likely in any given year to get divorced.

And it didn't matter how rich or poor the pair were.

via Women breadwinners more likely to split with their husbands: study - NYPOST.com.

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