Dating after divorce has a new rulebook

The dance of dating has rules which provide common expectations between two strangers and limit the number of uncomfortable situations. After all, it can be disastrous when a man and his date have very different expectations about when he will get a kiss (or more), who will pay for dinner, and when to meet the parents. These rules are fairly simple for young people, with a primary purpose of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Dating after divorce is far more complicated - involving big money, mortgages, career compatibility, integrating children, and emotional scars from being burned by a bad relationship. The game has changed, and so have the rules.

Know what you want

There seem to be two kinds of late-life daters: Those who want to marry again and those who absolutely refuse to consider the possibility. Know which type you are and don't mix with the other kind because someone will get hurt. If you want to get married again, allow yourself to learn from the process of dating. After each date or relationship, take the time to think about what you liked or didn't like in the relationship, and hone your list of desirable qualities in a mate.

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