Why are women more likely to divorce if they have daughters?

Toni Docherty and her two daughters share a special brand of female closeness that binds them irrevocably. They shop for clothes and make-up together, they watch chick-flicks as a threesome, and they chat as they cook together. Their understanding is almost intuitive, and their love for each other unassailable.

Fifty-two-year-old Toni, a mature student, considers her two high-flying, academic daughters — 22-year-old Anna is studying law, and 20-year-old Louisa is a medical student — her closest friends.

A good thing, you may think. Unless, of course, you’re the lone male in the household — which Toni’s husband was. He, poor chap, felt squeezed out by their chatty intimacy; excluded by their passionately shared interests; ostracised by their girly secrets.

via Why are women more likely to divorce if they have daughters? | Mail Online.

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