Family Law — Part 2 — issues faced when marriage is over

Going through a divorce may be one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. Why so stressful? Divorce is all about change — substantial change — in almost every aspect of our lives.

Divorce redefines our relationships with our spouse, our children, our mutual friends and even our extended families. Divorce can reshape our behaviors including where we live, where we eat and even where we shop. Suddenly, and sometimes unpredictably, divorce forces couples to reconsider, reevaluate and readjust their life plans.

For some, divorce is a welcome relief while for others such change can be overwhelming or even paralyzing. Whether welcome or not, divorce raises many questions that may cause numerous sleepless nights.

Although every case is unique, most divorces involve five major issues: child custody, child visitation, child support, spousal support and division of community property. No children? That reduces the number of issues but doesn’t necessarily make the experience any easier.

via Family Law — Part 2 — issues faced when marriage is over.

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