More Do’s and Don’ts in Child Custody Disputes

by Scott Stewart

In my previous article on child custody do’s and don’ts, I discussed the importance of carefully introducing significant others to your child, warned against parental alienation, and encouraged communication and information sharing. In this article, I’ll review more do’s and don’ts important in child custody disputes.

Make Your Home Your Child’s Home.

Encourage Healthy Relationships.

Maximize Your Parenting Time.

Don’t Confuse Child Support with Parenting Time.

Be Prompt, Yet Flexible, with Parenting Time Exchanges.

The issues involved in custody conflicts are often emotionally charged. I’ve covered only a few of the common mistakes I’ve seen clients make in my extensive family law litigation experience. When custody issues arise, it is essential that you carefully and consistently document events for future use in your case.

More Do’s and Don’ts in Child Custody Disputes | Scott Stewart - JDSupra.

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