Reliance on divorce subsides with economy; new emphasis on attorney mediation services

While more residents are dealing with financial constraints, married couples considering divorce are putting the idea farther down on their list of priorities.

“All over the country, divorces are being held off,” said Cristi McMurdie, south Tempe attorney and mediator who specializes in estate planning and coaching. “The concept of divorce has been put on the back-burner for many people, because survival is more important.”

For couples who are looking for a way out of their relationship, the word divorce brings to mind huge financial losses.

However, there is still hope through mediation, McMurdie said. Mediation often is a less expensive, and less dramatic, form of making agreements and dividing assets.

“When you have two people who really know what they owe and own, they can go through mediation and save easily from 10 to 90 percent of what the litigation would cost them,” McMurdie said.

via Reliance on divorce subsides with economy; new emphasis on attorney mediation services

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