Dont Let Your Attorney Hijack Your Divorce

You have embarked on a divorce, selected a lawyer, and now are ready to begin the process. Be careful of the many pitfalls as you work with your attorney. Here are some things to avoid as your divorce wends its way through the legal process:

1. The Letter. The divorce usually starts with your lawyer sending a letter to your spouse telling him or her of your intention to divorce. Your story, as told to your lawyer, may become unrecognizable in the letter sent to your spouse. The tone may be cranky, nasty, aggressive, accusative, or all of the above. It may distort facts or contains information you did not want to express to your spouse. Your attorney may have sent it without your approval. You are mortified, regretful and embarrassed. The letter is the opening salvo, sets the tone for the entire divorce, and is never forgotten.

via Laurie Israel: Dont Let Your Attorney Hijack Your Divorce.

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