One Person’s Divorce Is Another’s Investment Opportunity

Is it ethical to make money by investing in someone else's divorce? That's the question raised by a fascinating story in today's New York Times about a new company founded, unsurprisingly, in Beverly Hills, that finances people who don't have enough ready cash to take their divorces to trial

.Called Balance Point Divorce Funding, the company was founded by divorcee and lawyer Stacey Napp, whose ex-husband, David, she claims, tried to hide his assets when she left him. She sued him and after eight years of legal battles, prevailed. Now she offers to finance other women who want to sue their spouses for a larger share of the marital assets, but don't have the liquidity to do so. In return, Balance Point gets a cut of the winnings. (More on Will the Market Kill Your Marriage?)

via One Person’s Divorce Is Another’s Investment Opportunity – TIME Healthland.

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