Co-Parenting: The Toughest Job in The World

The divorce is done and things are going along nicely for a while, and then it happens. Your ex doesn't tell you that when the kids were with him or her they got sick. Not just a little sick, but sick enough that when it is your visitation, you have to take them to the doctor.

And, then it happens again. It is their visitation and they show up hours late for pick up, and your plans to meet your friend for dinner had to be canceled. Or, they bring the kids home hours late, and won't answer their cell phone to tell you what is going on.

And, yet again. They stop answering emails and suddenly don't answer the phone when they have the kids so you can speak to them during their visitation. Communication breakdown in post divorce is common and become critical. It is critical that both parents have access to the children no matter who is in possession of them. That is why most decrees state that phone calls can be made and must be answered. It is critical that the parent who does not have the kids knows when the children are sick, and when they call to see how they are doing, that the phone is answered.

via Lee Block: Co-Parenting: The Toughest Job in The World.

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