Mother's Day: A fine balance for Stepmoms and Biological Moms

Mother's Day -- A special day set aside to celebrate our mothers and grandmothers. On the surface this seems easy enough -- buy a card, some flowers and perhaps prepare dinner. It is also a fun day for the younger children to take a stab at preparing breakfast and serving it to mom in bed. The image is full of fun and laughter.

But, for blended families this day can cause stress when trying to find the right balance between attention towards mom and step mom. Being a step mom is not an easy job. Regardless of whether the children greet you with open arms or can barely look you in the eye, it is full of imbedded unpredictable challenges. Except in the cases where the biological mom is no longer in the picture, the stepmom is always second fiddle. The job of being a stepmom is hard work and it often does not come with the same unconditional love and feedback that a biological mom receives.

via Karen Stewart: Mother's Day: A fine balance for Stepmoms and Biological Moms.

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