Untying the Knot: A Divorced Couple's Perspective on Raising a Child, Part II

After comments and feedback we received from the first article, we realized that we used an imprecise choice of words to preview this article when we said that things didn't have to be so complicated. We know all the ways that divorce is inescapably so -- logistically and emotionally. What can be simplified, we believe, with some thought and effort, is how to think about our kids' needs. We've found two approaches that have worked reasonably well for us.

First, as simple as it sounds, we realized that we needed to think about things not from our own perspective, but from the perspective of our child. Children will see their new reality very differently than we will, especially if we give them the space to do so.

Second, we found it very helpful to establish a couple of key guiding principles that helped us simplify what were sometimes complicated decisions.

via Jonathan Weiler: Untying the Knot: A Divorced Couple's Perspective on Raising a Child, Part II.

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