FAMILY LIFE: Planning for the worst

When two people pledge themselves to a committed relationship, whether the “I do’s” are legally recognized or not, they intend the relationship to last ’til death do them part. That’s the romantic side of things.

But the fact is, cold, hard reality can and does win out over romance in many relationships, and couples split up.

For same-sex couples, especially those with children, those break-ups, when they happen, can be especially difficult. Whereas legally married straight couples have the law to settle at least some of their most contentious break-up boggles, same-sex couples are on their own — from debates over who gets the house to potentially more damaging arguments over child custody.

The best time to settle those matters, says licensed professional counselor Brenda Lee Roberts, is before they happen — way before, like back in the “honeymoon” period when everyone is still in love and happy with each other.

via FAMILY LIFE: Planning for the worst.

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