The Legal Alternative Every Couple Should Know About Before Going to Divorce Court

A tremendous advantage of getting a postnup is that the couple can gain an understanding of the legal system that they would only have in hindsight if they had divorced. And it can truly resolve a couple's issues regarding disagreements about assets and debts.

One woman who heard about this option after she'd been divorced for two years, became quite sad. She said that, had she known about this option when she was with her husband, it could have saved her marriage.

She resented her husband for not "pulling his weight" financially in the marriage. In her divorce, the court ordered her to give her ex a rather large lump sum which further added insult to injury of him getting what she felt was a "free ride."

Aside from money, a post nup can be used to resolve disputes regarding parenting, child custody, and affairs. For example, spouses might agree to share in the profits of a particular investment but if one or the other has an affair, they forfeit their interest in that asset.

via Susan Pease Gadoua: The Legal Alternative Every Couple Should Know About Before Going to Divorce Court.

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