Retiring Solo: Too Many Singles and Divorcees Aren't Saving Enough

You've seen the commercial: A 50-something couple sits side-by-side in matching bathtubs, watching a sunset together. The ad may be for Cialis, but the image strikes a familiar chord. Walking hand-in-hand through one's golden years with a beloved companion is something most married people look forward to, at least in theory.

But sometimes, reality is far more bleak. Take Lee Block's experience. One day in 2004, the stay-at-home-mom from Houston went grocery shopping with her two small children. She tried to write a check for her purchases, only to find out her joint checking account had been shut down by her husband, whom she was divorcing. Block, 44, learned the hard way about financial independence and being single again. Today, she's a divorce coach. Her urgent advice for those who are going through a split: "Understand money when you are divorced. Know how much it costs to live, and understand how much you are going to need down to the penny."

100 Million Singles Need to Plan for the Future

While getting back on your feet financially is an obvious part of resuming single life, one oft-overlooked aspect is planning for a solo retirement.

via Retiring Solo: Too Many Singles and Divorcees Aren't Saving Enough - DailyFinance.

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