Modern Love: Marriage equality also means gay divorce

The good news is New York has joined the few states that allow gay marriages. Gay and lesbian couples from all over the country are flocking to the Empire State to “tie the knot” in wedded matrimony.The bad news is that when marriages fail, and gay and lesbian couples seek a divorce, several states do not allow them to obtain divorces or annulments.

Most states and the federal government do not recognize gay marriages. Many same-sex couples are left without a remedy when they seek to end their relationships.

Let’s say an out-of-state couple goes to Massachusetts to marry. They cannot return to obtain a judgment of divorce unless they are residents of the Bay State for at least one full year. If their home state does not recognize gay marriages, they cannot obtain a divorce there either. The couple is “trapped.” They are without remedy. “Stuck” is the operative word.

via Modern Love: Marriage equality also means gay divorce | San Diego Gay and Lesbian News.

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