Norman S. Heller: Prenups: The Laws Of Emotions

As divorce lawyers, we frequently counsel clients who are seeking prenuptial agreements or whose significant others have asked them to sign one. Our clients typically want to know what the divorce laws provide, both with and without a prenup, so they can decide what a prenup can do for -- or to -- them. Legal issues are often the least important concern when negotiating a prenup, however; with prenups, emotions rule the day. Too few clients appreciate this reality at the outset, which leads to difficulty in understanding how to approach the discussions and the negotiating process.

These are the key "laws of emotions" -- the rules that really govern negotiating prenups, from informal discussions between the prospective spouses to formal negotiations between their lawyers.

LAW #1: No fiancée wants to sign a prenup

via Norman S. Heller: Prenups: The Laws Of Emotions.

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