7 Tips For Co-parenting Teens

Teens are like toddlers on hormones who want and need to separate from you. Parenting them under any circumstances can be tough, but co-parenting teens who move between two households presents particular challenges. The following are a few common issues that face co-parents, and some language you might use when communicating with your ex, whether the separation or divorce occurs later in your child's life or your kids are young and you're setting up a plan until they turn 18.

1. Authorizing a minor child's driver's license, and providing a car for the child to drive:  We all know how important driving is to teens. A car should not be used as a tool to lure a teen into spending time at a parent's home. Unless you're sharing your car with your teen, the car should travel with him or her and not to be held for exclusive use in the home of the parent who purchased it.

2. Toys, Cell Phones, Lap Tops, iPods and Clothing: Co-parents need to cooperate by permitting toys and clothing to move freely between households whenever it is reasonable.

via Tara Fass: 7 Tips For Co-parenting Teens.

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