How To Prevent Litigation In Divorce Disputes

Almost everyone involved in divorce becomes frustrated by the legal process. Both mothers and fathers feel like the system works against them. In recent years, there has been accumulating evidence that mediation can prevent many of the legal hassles faced by parents and prevent harmful court fights over custody and visitation. A report by Marsha Pruett and colleagues indicates that a combination of mediation, parent education and support services can be especially helpful in reducing litigation among divorcing couples.

Pruett and her colleagues recruited 142 families with a child under 6 years of age who had filed for divorce. Half the families received the usual court services, and the other half of the families participated in range of services including parent education, mediation, case management and clinical intervention with collaborative input from legal and mental health professionals. More about the program here. The scientists measured the mental health of the parents, their degree of conflict and cooperation, the mothers' support of father involvement and parenting plans.

via Robert Hughes, Jr.: How To Prevent Litigation In Divorce Disputes.

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