9 Things Kids Of Divorced Parents Don't Want To Admit

When things don't work out between you and the person you married, you suffer internally, agonizing over a new life without each other, reminiscing about the way he once made you feel. Then, it hits you: what about your children? What happens to them?

For most, the custodial decision is practical. The children will stay with you, their mother, their nurturer, their care-giver. You are the one who kisses their feverish foreheads, who cleans up the vomit and tucks them into bed. Is Divorce Becoming a Luxury?

Beyond the financial aspects of your marriage and deciding who keeps the kids, not much is discussed, and many parents forget about the emotional turmoil their children suffer as a result of divorce. But it's not just the parents who suffer from the failed union. Often, children of divorced couples undergo the mayhem in silence.

via 9 Things Kids Of Divorced Parents Don't Want To Admit [EXPERT] | Ms. N. Meridian | YourTango.

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