The 5 Worst Mistakes People Make During Divorce

Going through a divorce is an overwhelming experience. If you are going through divorce or have gone through it, I am sure you will agree that the initial sensation is of being flooded by emotions, things to handle and tough, very tough decisions to make. Here are five very big mistakes, often made by anyone going through separation or divorce, and some tips that can spare you some bad decisions and keep you on the right track:

Making Decisions Without Fully Understanding the Implications: Read as much as you can, go to free or paid consultations with various professionals mediators, attorneys, divorce coaches and more. The more information you have regarding your rights and options, the better decisions you will be able to make.

Losing Control of Your Divorce:
Do not let your attorney act on your behalf without fully informing you. I have heard too many times from clients that their lawyers were making decisions for them without consulting them or, even worse, against what they have requested.

Acting Out of Anger:
Court battles will not teach your soon-to-be ex a lesson. Trust me. And if you go that route, it will teach both of you a lesson: nobody goes dancing out of court.

Settling for Less Than You Need or Deserve:
While settling is settling, you do not want to underestimate your expenses and what you need in order to be comfortable within your means. If you are the payer, you do not want to commit to more than you can afford. Be fair to yourself and to your soon-to-be ex.

via The 5 Worst Mistakes People Make During Divorce | Michelle Rozen.

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