Legal disputes are costly, time consuming, emotionally draining, and not good for business. A business dispute is a business illness. If mild, you can work through it, but it still drags you down and impacts profits. If severe, a business …

Is Mediation Your Best Option? Read more »

WHO says British etiquette experts Debrett's don't move with the times? The chroniclers of the cream of British society since the late 1700s have put together a book on how to behave during a divorce. The idea is to assist …

Divorce no excuse for bad behaviour Read more »

Keeping it on an even keel was about all Kay Gilbert hoped for when she saw her 30-year marriage unraveling. The consultant to budding nonprofits surmised that a protracted legal battle before a District Court judge would dissipate the resources …

Mediation in divorce on the rise Read more »

Imagine not being allowed to adopt a child you had raised since birth. That is what some same-sex partners are facing. Michigan is among a handful of states that still offers no legal protections for gays and lesbians – and …

Same-sex couple fights to change adoption laws so their kids have same rights as other children Read more »

When parents stress about the wrong kinds of stress, it distracts us from a real and grave public health issue. But it’s easy to get tangled and confused by media reports about stress hurting preschoolers. Here, then, is a brief …

Early childhood stress: a parents’ guide. Read more »

The Parent Encouragement Program is a series of classes and workshops that are available to parents living in the D.C. area. The introductory class is free, and so I went a couple of weeks ago, because it didn't cost anything …

9 Things I Learned In The Parent Encouragement Program, AKA Shitty Parents Anonymous Read more »

If you or your partner commits a financial indiscretion that sets your mutual savings or budget goals back, it can create real trust problems and wreak havoc on your goals. And though it isn't uncommon for individuals in a couple …

Are You a Victim of Financial Infidelity? Read more »

A client came into my office the other day in tears. She was just about to sign papers to purchase her new home, but was now feeling unsure of her decision. My client was in the middle of negotiating her …

Deborah Moskovitch: The Finances Of Divorce Read more »

While the world is preoccupied by the very public and briefest of celebrity marriages think Kim and Kris we family and divorce mediators see images of a prototypical young couple with no children, married for a short time, going through …

Older and Wiser Read more »

If I could impart any advice to the ladies out there it is know exactly what is going on with your own finances. Make sure you have an account set up in your name and balance your check book. Do …

Mara Shapshay: How Many Divorcees Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb? Read more »