When my 69-year-old mother-in-law was diagnosed with a rare brain disease last spring, the solution seemed obvious: She should come stay with my family in Tokyo. After all, nearly half the elderly in Japan live with their adult children. My …

How To Balance Caring for Aging Parents While Looking After Kids - The Juggle Read more »

Used to be, the phone or a good neighbor were the best bets for keeping tabs on someone you love who's elderly and living alone — especially if you lived too far to buzz over every day. But more and …

Keeping Tabs on the elderly who live alone Read more »

Several years ago, I was retained to represent "Joey", a 35-year-old gym teacher who had recently been served with divorce papers. When he arrived for the first office appointment, Joey brought his mother and readily waived confidentiality so that Mom …

Edra J. Pollin: Whose Divorce Is It Anyway? Divorcing Your Spouse May Require Setting Boundaries For Your Parents Read more »

You've seen the commercial: A 50-something couple sits side-by-side in matching bathtubs, watching a sunset together. The ad may be for Cialis, but the image strikes a familiar chord. Walking hand-in-hand through one's golden years with a beloved companion is …

Retiring Solo: Too Many Singles and Divorcees Aren't Saving Enough Read more »

As we approach another fall, we have the beginning of school. Sadly, in my divorce practice, instead of "school days, school days, good old golden rule days", to quote a song from many, many years ago, the phrase that keeps …

School Wars Read more »

It's complicated, this question of legitimizing gay marriage. Americans are grappling with it from their homes to the halls of government in the shadow of a presidential election next year. The ambivalence is reflected in a new poll that shows …

53% say government should legally recognize gay marriage Read more »

How does your ex make you angry? "How much time do I have?" you ask. The list is probably detailed, extensive and, quite frankly, repetitive. In fact, the dozen or more daily offenses perpetrated by your ex are most likely …

The High Road Of Divorce Read more »

In an earlier blog I addressed a common myth about boys: that they are innately "tougher" than girls, both physically and emotionally. This myth can be dangerous because it can lead divorcing parents to believe that their sons will be …

Helping Children Survive Divorce: The Myth of the Mature Teen Read more »

RED FLAG #10: If your spouse is facebooking with his or her high school sweetheart on a daily basis, you may be heading for a divorce. While I don't personally believe it poses an issue if your spouse has occasional …

Ten Signs Your Marriage is Headed for Divorce Read more »

It's that time of year again, back to school. Like most families, we get ready for a new school year purchasing school supplies, shopping for school clothes, and getting in that last trip to the beach or pool so we …

Mom's House, Dad's House -- When Going Back and Forth Doesn't Work for Going Back to School Read more »