The internal strife ripping apart Wilkes-Barre band Breaking Benjamin is the latest incarnation of the oldest story in the music business, Bret Alexander, lead singer of The Badlees and the band's longtime friend, said Tuesday. "Bands break up," Alexander said …

Story of band's implosion described as commonplace in music industry Read more »

Faced with the usual options for senior housing and elder care, some older adults are inventing their own grassroots versions — do-it-yourself senior living that’s friendlier, more autonomous and less expensive. Fellows in the News21 program at the Columbia University …

Growing Older in an Urban Village Read more »

It’s an emotionally wrenching decision: having to put a parent, spouse or loved one in a nursing home. “The biggest thing for a lot of people is the feeling of guilt,” said Ann Henry, chief operating officer for the Pennsylvania …

How to choose the best elder care for your loved one Read more »

Most people do not want their divorce to be nasty. Why would they? No one aspires to spend money on lawyers or put themselves through the legendary rigmarole of the court system. The best way to prevent the divorce legal …

Sane Divorce is about Salesmanship, not War Read more »

While the subject might be difficult to broach, one has to remember it has nothing to do with how much you love each other and everything to do with making sure you both have an insurance policy of sorts against …

Prenuptial Agreements: Not Just for the Wealthy Read more »

Confucius say: Beware scorned spouse with shared credit. Maybe the Chinese thinker and philosopher didn't quote those lines, but he should have. Your credit sits on dangerous ground when you and your spouse split up. "People do unpredictable things during …

How to Protect Your Credit During Divorce Read more »

IN THE AMERICAN hierarchy of relationships, friendship often seems distinctly second-class. We obsess about the "work-family balance," but the leisurely conversation with an old friend is a quick casualty when it conflicts with either one. Just in the last generation, …

Some argue it's time to legally recognize the bond of friendship Read more »

How childless adults should approach their later years is a question that surfaces with some frequency among readers and commenters here. It’s true, as many attest, that being a parent doesn’t guarantee elder care. But it’s also true that the …

Aging Without Children Read more »

A higher proportion of the 60-plus population is currently married now, in part because lengthening lifespans mean that fewer become widowed (PDF). But many of those are second or third marriages, according to census data: among men over 50 who’d …

Years Later, Divorce Complicates Caregiving Read more »

We know that many older Americans — about 17 percent — live in poverty and that Social Security provides the primary support for nearly half the elderly population. And we know that for virtually any kind of paid assistance, the …

When They Won't Spend the Money Read more »