Some couples stay together for love, and others stay together for the kids. But today, with unemployment at 9.1% and real estate prices continuing to decline, more and more couples are staying together for the home. Divorce rates have declined …

Are You Staying Together For the Home? Read more »

One of the most challenging aspects of custody decisions is the issue of domestic violence. About 20% of divorces require judges to appoint a custody evaluator to assist in the determination of custody arrangements. There are a wide range of …

How Custody Evaluators Think about Domestic Violence Read more »

There has been a considerable amount of interest in the somewhat bizarre Facebook interaction between Angela Voelkert and her ex-husband David. Andrea created a fake Facebook account in an attempt to get information out of David. Her plan seemed to …

Facebook Fights: When Divorces Spill Online Read more »

As a divorce lawyer, two of the most frequent questions I hear from new clients are: "how much will it cost to get divorced?" and "how long will it take?" Although there are no definite answers, there is good news …

What You Can and Can't Control in the Divorce Process Read more »

In most marriages, there's one partner who pays the bills and invests and another who doesn't. So, what do you do when our money becomes your money and you have never even looked at a brokerage statement? In the event …

What to Do When Our Money Becomes Your Money Read more »

Most divorcing parents' greatest fear is the effect it will have on their children. These fears have their origin in a time when divorce was a rare event. Fifty years ago, children from divorced parents were commonly described as coming …

Does Divorce Inevitably Damage Children? Read more »

Whatever happened to “til death do us part”? My wife and I will celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary this month and we are still best friends. But that isn’t the norm nowadays. A few weeks ago we learned friends of …

Why So Many Baby Boomers are Getting Divorced Read more »

Busy court dockets, complex cases, and other issues may encourage consideration of private mediation as an option for resolving cases. As with the settlement of any case, negotiating the settlement of a family case involves some aspects of mediation: you …

ADR: Matrimonial Cases Often Ripe For Private Mediation Read more »

Jailing a juror for contempt of court for contact made on Facebook raised many more questions about how social networking websites and the courts co-exist. But solicitor Sara Tomaszewski says the problem lies with site users, not the sites themselves …

Anyone in a legal case should get off Facebook and Twitter Read more »

There are two kinds of parents in the world. There are those who strive to re-create for their children the blissful upbringings that they themselves once knew. And then there are the rest of us. But somewhere in the quest …

Deflating the myth of perfect parenting Read more »