A study of employment and divorce suggests that while social pressure discouraging women from working outside the home has weakened, pressure on husbands to be breadwinners largely remains. The research, led by Liana Sayer of Ohio State University to be …

Unemployment increases risk of divorce for men Read more »

What do people in business do when they're facing a crisis? They ask, "What's the best practice to follow in a situation like this? What do successful companies do? "Our society would benefit greatly if divorcing parents could be convinced …

Family Mediation: The Best Practice for Parents And Their Children When The Marriage Is Over Read more »

After two decades as the co-owner of a landscape materials yard in northern California, 57-year-old Debbie Hannan didn't just retire: She divorced her business partner. Though amicable, the split led to a drawn-out legal battle over the terms of a …

How to Divorce a Business Partner Read more »

It seems that the battleground in custody has shifted to weekday nights. Even when the mediator points out how many additional hours one has with children on a weekend day compared to a school night, it usually does not overcome …

The Fifty Fifty Generation Read more »

Summer is in full swing. School is out. Parents find themselves with the blessing of being around their children 24 hours a day. For parents who have to share parenting time with an ex, the summer can be a very …

Co-parenting Summers Read more »

"Mama, put the phone AWAY." That's my kid talking to me, and she's only 3. She's scolding me, but she's scolding you, too. So listen up. I understand your work pays the bills and you only have time to connect …

Smartphone danger: Distracted parenting Read more »

Doing some comparative math in the weeks before Father’s Day, Matthew Weinshenker, an assistant professor of sociology at Fordham University, has calculated that the number of single-father families in the United States has jumped 27 percent in the past decade. …

With More Single Fathers, a Changing Family Picture Read more »

As an estimated 70.1 million fathers prepare to celebrate Father's Day in the U.S., recent research shows that their distinct style of parenting is particularly worth recognition: The way dads tend to interact has long-term benefits for kids, independent of …

The Secret of Dads' Success Read more »

It seems as if everyone is talking about infidelity these days. Too often, though, the conversation begins and ends at the mea culpa, and doesn’t go much deeper. Married couple Dr. Jay and Julie Kent-Ferraro decided to do something about …

Coping With Marital Infidelity Read more »

Irresponsible electronic messaging has ensnared many politicians and celebrities, most recently U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., but more average folks are finding their "e-evidence" coming back to haunt them. Take couples duking it out over divorces or child custody. Divorce …

Social networking's instant intimacy can ruin lives, experts warn Read more »