AS far back as “Father Knows Best,” television has been an unintentional teaching aid for parents. To watch Mike and Carol Brady labor tirelessly to boost Jan’s wobbly self-esteem, or Cliff and Clair Huxtable corral Denise’s rebellious impulses with affection …

Becoming the Alpha Dog in Your Own Home Read more »

Psychologist William J. Doherty at the University of Minnesota has taken a hard look at the pressures facing parents in our affluent consumer culture, and the results aren’t pretty. In his book, “Take Back Your Kids,” he highlights examples of …

Too many children are being spoiled, pampered Read more »

Making the decision to place a loved one into a nursing home can be a very stressful experience for all parties involved. The last thing you want is to find out that your mother or father has become the victim …

How to Pick the Right Nursing Home Read more »

Have kids? Have a computer? Then you've likely installed or have at least considered installing some form of Internet protection software, like the parental control software from Net Nanny or CyberPatrol. But in this new era of everything-as-a-service, having to …

OpenDNS Launches FamilyShield, Free Parental Controls Service for Web Read more »

Although parents may not be able to stop their teen from experimenting with alcohol, a new study suggests that they do have a lot of influence when it comes to preventing their child from developing a heavy drinking habit. Based …

Warm But Watchful Parents Can Keep Kids From Heavy Drinking Read more »

Last week I described a particular outcome: (metaphorically flying happily ever after on the trapeze). I later regretted that conclusion, because in couples counseling it is only one possibility. The purpose of counseling isn't to preserve a partnership no matter …

Couple's Counseling: How to Know When to Call It Off Read more »

The break-up of a marriage can often be traumatic, forcing women to take on a multitude of new roles in their lives, including financial head of the household. Although many women certainly are business and finance savvy, they may not …

When Divorce Looms, Women Need To Find a Trusted Financial Advisor Read more »

Fewer people than ever are getting married, yet studies show that tying the knot will make you happier, richer and healthier. But can it really be so simple? via The myth of wedded bliss | Life and style | The …

The myth of wedded bliss Read more »

So what happens when you don’t agree? Do your disagreements result in intense family conflict? Do they lead to your child playing you against each other? Or have you learned to work with each other despite your differences? There are …

When parents don't see eye-to-eye Read more »

There's one thing about parenting; it never stops. Once you become a parent you remain a parent the rest of your life. So the end of your child's adolescence is not the end of parenting; it only marks the transition …

Parenting after the adolescent becomes adult. Read more »