For years, protective mothers have complained about a broken custody court system giving custody to abusive fathers. A new book based on multi-disciplinary research has confirmed that common mistakes in the custody courts have resulted in thousands of children being …

National Organization for Women-New York State Lauds New Book that Confirms Crisis in Custody Courts Read more »

Steven Fink recently received an unsolicited email containing nude photos of a woman whose jilted ex-boyfriend wanted to embarrass her. The guy presumably hoped these private photos would go viral online, and now countless strangers are obliging him in his …

Surviving the Age of Humiliation Read more »

A number of states and agencies are loathed to allow gay and lesbian parents to adopt or even grant custody after a divorce to the parent in a same-gender relationship. Unfortunately, this bigotry is not founded on any kind of …

Same sex couples just as qualified parents, studies say Read more »

You can divorce an abusive spouse. You can call it quits if your lover mistreats you. But what can you do if the source of your misery is your own parent? Granted, no parent is perfect. And whining about parental …

When Parents Are Too Toxic to Tolerate Read more »

Therapists for years have listened to patients blame parents for their problems. Now there is growing interest in the other side of the story: What about the suffering of parents who are estranged from their adult children? While there are …

When the Ties That Bind Unravel Read more »

(Please note: this article is written by an attorney/mediator in CA and not all the legal information may be applicable to your state) We all have heard of so-called “urban legends.” In fact, there was an Urban Legends movie a …

Family Law “Urban Legends” (Part 1) Read more »

Katie Allison Granju wrote a book, some say the book, about attachment parenting. She writes a popular blog,, about the ups and downs of her blended family of four children, who range in age from 3 to 18, with …

An Addicted Child Read more »

WITH divorce at an all-time high, the number of single parents is rocketing, bringing a plethora of problems unique to one-parent households (widowed parents face many of the same issues). These are on top of all the normal parenting pressures. …

Cynthia MacGregor on single-parenting Read more »

The fact that more than fifty percent of marriages end in divorce is actually the lesser of the problem. The greater difficulty lies in the fact that the majority of intact marriages are far from joyful. Divorce, although tumultuous and …

The Wrong Reasons for Staying Married Read more »

While divorce can be an emotional roller coaster, the one area that needs reasoned, dispassionate, businesslike treatment is what to do with the real property assets of the divorcing duo. The same principles apply whether the property in question is …

Property questions abound in a divorce situation Read more »