A great article on how to handle the holidays after a family split can be found here. In the article, Brenda Hann, a child and adolescent psychotherapist who has a private practice in Toronto, notes: "The first time you're having …

Anything but a 'happy holiday' can be had when families break up Read more »

A divorced parent offers excellent insight into child custody, visitation and mediation in an article which can be found here. About mediation the article notes: "Her father and I had a mediated divorce. Instead of lawyers hammering out terms of …

Which parent will college freshman choose for holidays? Read more »

SmartMoney magazine has published an interesting article on the five money mistakes made by married women along with advice on how to avoid them.  The article can be found here. Among the mistakes noted in the article: Handing over the …

The Five Mistakes Married Women Make Read more »

Family psychologist John Rosemond has written a series of two articles on the fundamentals of traditional parenting.  The first article deals with establishing boundaries with your children and establishing yourself as the leader.  The second article focuses on how to raise …

Class is in session for Parenting 101 Read more »

Very often during a divorce the parties lose sight of the impact the divorce has on their parents and extended family, especially when grandchildren are involved.  An excellent article providing tips for parents of divorcing children can be found here. …

What To Do When Your Children Divorce Read more »

This economy has created a new phenomenon, divorced couples who live together.  A great article on this anomaly can be found here. The article notes that: "With the recession and the collapse of the housing market, more and more couples who …

Couples staying together because of poor economy Read more »

An article from AZ on the national trend toward fewer divorce filings can be found here. In the article Tucson family law attorney Steve Centuori notes: "The two main reasons for divorce are finances and personal differences; finances being the …

Divorces are down, both nationally and locally Read more »

A great article on how to remain on amicable terms with your ex after the divorce can be found here. While it is not possible for all couples to remain on friendly terms after a divorce if it is possible …

Happily Divorced Ever After Read more »

Today's tough economic times appear to be responsible for a drop in divorce filings in many areas of the country due in large part to the expense of a litigated divorce. An article on MainStreet.com, which can be found here, …

Five Ways to Reduce the Cost of a Divorce Read more »

A recent USA Today article features a study done by Allen Li, associate director of the Population Research Center at the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, Calif.  Li's study concludes that divorce is neither bad nor good. Li completed a …

Study: Divorce may not cause kids' bad behavior Read more »