The good news is New York has joined the few states that allow gay marriages. Gay and lesbian couples from all over the country are flocking to the Empire State to “tie the knot” in wedded matrimony.The bad news is …

Modern Love: Marriage equality also means gay divorce Read more »

During the many phases of divorce, it is so easy to get caught up in the throes of worry: How will I survive? Will I ever find love again? What about my finances? How will the children cope? I feel …

Overcome worry in your divorce Read more »

What can you do when your former spouse is not paying court-ordered support? Congressman Joe Walsh is only the latest in a long line of public figures who stand accused of failing to pay child support, racking up large sums …

My Ex Isn't Paying Child Support - How Can I Get it From His 401k? Read more »

Question: How old do children need to be before they don't have to go see the other parent if they don't want to? My kids are telling me they don't want to go see their dad and now that they're …

Ex-etiquette: What to do when kids don't want to see other parent Read more »

Several years ago, I was retained to represent "Joey", a 35-year-old gym teacher who had recently been served with divorce papers. When he arrived for the first office appointment, Joey brought his mother and readily waived confidentiality so that Mom …

Edra J. Pollin: Whose Divorce Is It Anyway? Divorcing Your Spouse May Require Setting Boundaries For Your Parents Read more »

You've seen the commercial: A 50-something couple sits side-by-side in matching bathtubs, watching a sunset together. The ad may be for Cialis, but the image strikes a familiar chord. Walking hand-in-hand through one's golden years with a beloved companion is …

Retiring Solo: Too Many Singles and Divorcees Aren't Saving Enough Read more »

As we approach another fall, we have the beginning of school. Sadly, in my divorce practice, instead of "school days, school days, good old golden rule days", to quote a song from many, many years ago, the phrase that keeps …

School Wars Read more »

It's complicated, this question of legitimizing gay marriage. Americans are grappling with it from their homes to the halls of government in the shadow of a presidential election next year. The ambivalence is reflected in a new poll that shows …

53% say government should legally recognize gay marriage Read more »

How does your ex make you angry? "How much time do I have?" you ask. The list is probably detailed, extensive and, quite frankly, repetitive. In fact, the dozen or more daily offenses perpetrated by your ex are most likely …

The High Road Of Divorce Read more »

In an earlier blog I addressed a common myth about boys: that they are innately "tougher" than girls, both physically and emotionally. This myth can be dangerous because it can lead divorcing parents to believe that their sons will be …

Helping Children Survive Divorce: The Myth of the Mature Teen Read more »