LINCOLN — A woman involved in a 20-year, same-sex relationship has the right to seek custody and visitation rights for a child born to her now-estranged partner, the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled Friday. The case marks the first time the …

Ruling: Woman can seek custody Read more »

(PLEASE NOTE: Rules about fees are state specific & the information in this article may not apply to your state) The most common lawyer needs for people 25 to 35 are family law (marriage dissolution, child custody and child support), …

How to choose an attorney Read more »

(This article is specific to UK cases but the same warnings may be applicable to US cases) Almost half of family lawyers believe that those embroiled in “big money” divorce cases are likely to conceal assets during proceedings following a …

Warning on concealed assets in divorce cases Read more »

The well-meaning grandparents were still carrying old wounds and hurts from their divorces. They felt completely helpless when they watched their children file for divorce or separate from spouses, imposing family turbulence on their grandchildren. Why, the grandparents wondered, didn't …

What About the Grandparents? Read more »

Although my daughters and I have often talked about this time in our lives over the years, they both still resent the fact that I didn't hide my anger from them, and even worse, railed about their father in front …

Nancy Alvarez: I'm So Angry: What Do I Tell My Kids? Read more »

Dealing with the marital home is complicated in our tough economic times. Ten or fifteen years ago when I was doing divorce settlements, one of the most valuable assets was the marital home. Almost every home had equity, along with …

To Move or Not to Move; That Is the Question Read more »

Co-parenting during the summer can be hellish (ever tried coordinating vacation schedules with your ex? It can require strategic abilities Napoleon would have admired). But if there's anything more crazy-making for divorced parents, it's sending kids back to school post-split. …

Divorce Advice: Back-To-School Tips For Divorced Parents Read more »

The overall divorce rate in the U.S. may be dropping, but according to a study by Bowling Green University, the divorce rate for those 50 and over has doubled in the past two decades. Pat, a 54-year-old Minneapolis resident, knows …

10 Tips to Navigate Empty Nest Divorce Read more »

I'm sick. And I didn't even know it. According to an article by Dr. David Wygant on Huffington Post, divorce can be as preventable as the common cold, and Dr. Wygant, relationship therapist and dating expert, has the "cure." Well, …

Does Divorce Need a Cure? Read more »

It's tough enough for kids to go back to school, and it's even harder for the children of parents who are separated or divorcing. Kids may worry that their lives will change dramatically or that they will be forced to …

Heading Back to School? Putting Your Children's Best Interest First Read more »