Back-to-school brings its own set of pressures. For kids, there can be anxiety about new teachers, classroom challenges and friendships. For parents, concerns may include the cost of new "in" gear, scheduling all the extracurriculars and getting kids out the …

Kids of divorce face challenges at school Read more »

(The same would apply to recognizing your Future Ex-Wife) The best way to avoid divorce, even before you get married, is to understand the power of the "R" word, i.e., rationalization. This is the process of trying to create a …

How to Recognize Your Future Ex-Husband Read more »

Many New Yorkers—and people all around the world—celebrated our generation's civil rights breakthrough victory, the Marriage Equality Act, passed June 24, 2011. Still others have noted—correctly—that while this is a meaningful step toward the ultimate goal of genuine marriage equality, …

Creative Parenting Agreements Still Needed With Same-Sex Marriage Read more »

The same-sex marriage movement is enjoying serious momentum these days with New York becoming the sixth state, and by far the largest, to legalize same-sex marriage, and the Obama administration announcement that it would no longer defend the Defense of …

Divorce Equality Now Read more »

“It Zigs, It Zags . . .” Even the typically exacting New York Times had a hard time describing the stock market’s wild swings last week. Without question, the volatility on Wall Street has us all a bit on-edge about …

What a Volatile Stock Market May Mean for a Woman's Divorce Settlement Agreement Read more »

Unmarried, cohabiting parents may be putting their kids at risk for a host of personal problems-- at least according to a new report from the University of Virgina's National Marriage Project and the Institute for American Values. But are the …

National Marriage Project: 'Why Marriage Matters' Study Says Cohabiting Parents Do Kids Harm Read more »

Are "good" and "divorce" in the same sentence an impossibility? I believe it is possible to have a good divorce. Following are some tips on how to have a good divorce even though you are going through one of the …

Can You Have a Good Divorce? Read more »

Most people do not want their divorce to be nasty. Why would they? No one aspires to spend money on lawyers or put themselves through the legendary rigmarole of the court system. The best way to prevent the divorce legal …

Sane Divorce is about Salesmanship, not War Read more »

While the subject might be difficult to broach, one has to remember it has nothing to do with how much you love each other and everything to do with making sure you both have an insurance policy of sorts against …

Prenuptial Agreements: Not Just for the Wealthy Read more »

Confucius say: Beware scorned spouse with shared credit. Maybe the Chinese thinker and philosopher didn't quote those lines, but he should have. Your credit sits on dangerous ground when you and your spouse split up. "People do unpredictable things during …

How to Protect Your Credit During Divorce Read more »