Christmas is likely to evoke thoughts of joy and generosity, of family reunions and friendship, but for many of us Christmas places huge demands on our physical and emotional energy. High expectations, too much pressure and, for some, painful memories, …

What makes for a Merry Christmas? Read more »

Attorneys Dana Nessel and Nicole Childers will know in January whether the Michigan Supreme Court will hear a same-sex partnership child custody case involving their client, Renee Harmon. “In Michigan, over 10,000 children are being raised by same-sex partners,” explains …

Michigan Supreme Court may consider rights of same-sex parents Read more »

While Joe and I discussed ways to reconfigure our family, I began to hear about others who had attempted atypical arrangements. In one case, a couple had bought houses kitty-corner from each other, and they and their new partners and …

Reconcilable Differences: Part Two Read more »

Once again, Mediate Michigan LLC wants you to give the gift of peace this holiday season. We are pleased to announce that you can purchase instant gift certificates good toward any of our mediation services.  Certificates may be purchased in …

Give the Gift of Peace Read more »

The Michigan Supreme Court has issued a unanimous opinion that says a loss of parental rights doesn’t automatically mean a person can stop paying child support. The justices wrote that a parent can be ordered to support a child financially …

Court: Loss of parental rights doesn’t end support Read more »

Here’s some more evidence of how divorce is utterly devastating to one’s financial life – and the financial lives of one’s family. According to a study published in the December Journal of Family Issues, the financial burden of college falls …

The Impact of Divorce on College Students Read more »

If you are one of those divorced persons who has a contentious relationship with their ex, be ever so careful that you do not let it impact the well-being of the children you are parenting together. Unfortunately, children are almost …

How to Deal With an Inflexible Ex Read more »

In 2008, we co-founded after friends and colleagues repeatedly praised us for being the "poster children" for divorce. We wish we could have been the poster children for successful marriage, but it didn't work out that way. Because we've …

My Ex and I are Swingers, and Other Myths About Cooperative Co-Parenting Read more »

It takes two to tango, and it surely takes two to marry. But it takes only one to divorce. Few people know that it is rare for both parents to agree on whether to divorce. Only two couples of the …

If Divorce is No Fault, Why do they Fight? Read more »

As the economy has worsened, more people are unable to afford a lawyer when they want to file for divorce or fight for child custody, a court official says. Judge Curtis Bell likened it to “trying to perform surgery on …

Kalamazoo County to expand Family Law Assistance Clinic Read more »