Divorce mediation has become a highly favorable alternative to litigation, Alan Finkel, Esq. and owner of Divorce Mediation Center of Nassau-Suffolk based in Commack, said. "Mediation is a straight split, without the motions made to the judge. It's without the …

NY - Attorneys Explain Divorce Mediation Read more »

Once upon a time, a mommy blogger was married to a daddy blogger, and they had two babies. The mommy gave advice to other parents at AskMoxie.org. The Daddy lost his job and blogged about being a stay-at-home father at …

Joint Custody — of the Kids and the Blog Read more »

Too chicken to call your ex and tell him what you're really thinking? Now more than ever, divorced moms and dads are using their BlackBerrys and Facebook accounts as their go-to methods of communication after a big breakup. But don't …

Texting + Divorce = FAIL Read more »

From Larry Herren The Detroit News MichDads Blog: One of the things I enjoy most about providing parent education is the new and exciting information I learn in the process. Such was the case a couple weeks ago when I …

Michigan's parenting time statute a powerful tool Read more »

The old joke is that when two parties go to court, the only ones who really win are the lawyers. But thanks in part to a bad economy, lawyers are learning that it may be more profitable to avoid trying …

Mediation Gains Ground In Flailing Economy Read more »

Divorce. The word itself causes many of us to shiver. Not only can it be an emotionally painful and exhausting process, but it can also burn a huge hole in one’s wallet. Divorces can be extremely long, drawn out processes …

The Financial Impact of Divorce Read more »

Co-parenting is not a new term, but has become more mainstream after such high-profile divorces such as Sandra Bullock and Jesse James that involve children. Co-parenting, also called cooperative parenting, may not be easy, but it is very important to …

Co-Parenting Provides Stability for Children After Divorce Read more »

Here’s a new option for those worried they’ll end up on the wrong side of the statistics that show so many marriages ending over time: divorce insurance. SafeGuard Guaranty Corp., an insurance start-up based in North Carolina, recently released what …

Divorce Insurance (Yes, Divorce Insurance) Read more »

"If it's your first marriage, you've got a 50-50 chance," Doyle Hamilton said, looking around the room. "If it's your second, you've got less than that." A few couples shifted uncomfortably under his unwavering gaze. One woman kicked her fiancé …

Engaged couples fight divorce rates Read more »

Sheri Rupsic and her ex-husband always remained civil to each other for the sake of their daughter. Divorced for 13 years, the Eastlake resident is now happily remarried and has an 8-year-old son with her second husband. Her ex also …

Some opt for friendlier type of divorce Read more »