Printer ink has replaced the ink from fountain pens in official county marriage records, and the institution of marriage is apparently changing as well. According to the National Marriage Project’s “State of Our Unions” December report, the marriage rate in …

Couples increasingly choosing cohabitation over marriage Read more »

Over the past decade or so, divorce has gradually become more uncommon in the United States. Since 2003, however, the decline in divorce rates has been largely confined to states which have not passed a state constitutional ban on gay …

Divorce Rates Higher in States with Gay Marriage Bans Read more »

EVER since Betty Friedan urged women to leave the house and pursue careers, people have argued over whether women’s marriages and romantic prospects would suffer for it. Was a financially successful woman a threat to her husband or a relief? …

Working Women Say Their Marriage Is Richer For It Read more »

Is Your Precious Pet Derailing Your Human Relationships? You May Want to Reconsider Who Your Best Friend Really Is. Kicking the Dog Out of Bed -

Unhappiness in children is more likely to be influenced by conflict in their family than the family's structure, research suggests. via BBC News - Family rows 'threat to childhood'.

Divorce and taxes :: Editor’s Blog at Local Tech Wire A great article on the Federal tax implications of divorce written by a North Carolina attorney can be found at the above link.

Across the nation, lawyers and angry spouses are finding the Internet is a gold mine for evidence in divorce, child custody and protection cases. via Accusations of inappropriate pictures show how Internet is changing divorces» Naples Daily News.

Virtual Visitation : Internet Business Law. Virtual visitation is a concept which I have advocated for years. This article notes: With the increasing use of virtual visitation, legislatures and courts are providing for electronic means of communication between non-custodial parents …

Virtual Visitation Read more »

Economic View - Will More Borrowers Walk Away From Their Mortgages? - This article takes a very interesting look at why more people aren't walking away from their mortgages even though their homes may now be worth half  of  …

Economic View - Will More Borrowers Walk Away From Their Mortgages? Read more »

Divorce a financial worry Divorce. It is not what any couple plans on, but it is a sad fact of life for more than a third of Kiwis who tie the knot. Emotionally and financially it can exact a high …

Divorce a financial worry Read more »