After Divorce: Who Gets Child-Related Tax Breaks?. An informative article from SmartMoney.

An article by Ron Lieber on financial decisions divorcing couples need to make may be found here. Some of the areas noted in the article are: Health insurance Mental health Credit Hired help Keeping house Taxes Spousal education Teenagers Future …

Financial Decisions to Make as You Divorce Read more »

A great article by Ron Leiber on four money talks to have before marriage may be found here. The four areas the article says couples need to discuss prior to marriage are: Ancestry - how did your family deal with …

Four Talks About Money to Have Before Marriage Read more »

An article by Tara Siegel Bernard about what gay couples need to think about before legally partnering, and what they’ll probably need to consider should they decide to split may be found here. According to the article, the seven tips …

Seven Tips for Dissolving Gay Unions Read more »

An interesting article by Tara Siegel Bernard on the implications of dissolving a same-sex marriage may be found here. The article notes: The biggest problem for some gay couples is the inability to get a “traditional” divorce. Without one, states …

For Gay Couples, ‘Traditional’ Divorce Isn’t Always an Option Read more »

MoneyWeek Saver: Six ways to cut the cost of divorce - MoneyWeek. An article from a UK publication on how to cut the cost of divorce.

Parenting Plans: Considering the needs of Young Children | Psychology Today. A great article on what divorced parent's need to consider when fashioning parenting plans. The keywords of parenting plans for infants, toddlers, and young preschoolers should be "change gradually." …

Parenting Plans: Considering the needs of Young Children | Psychology Today Read more »

A great excerpt from the book The Good Karma Divorce written by Judge Michele Lowrance may be found here. The book is written by a domestic relations (ie. family law) judge in Illinois and offers her insight as to how …

Michele Lowrance Offers a Guide to Help People Achieve an Amicable Divorce Read more »

A great series of three articles with answers to questions about divorce and money from Lili A. Vasileff, a certified divorce financial analyst (CDFA) can be found here:  Part I, Part II, Part III. Questions answered include those about business …

Answers About Divorce and Money Read more »

Divorce rate set to rocket | Moneywise. Divorce rates in the UK are expected to skyrocket this month.  This trend isn't exclusive to the UK however, expect a similar increase in the US divorce rate, especially as the economy recovers.