What The Divorce Revolution Has Meant For Kids : NPR. An interesting article on the impact of divorce on children as found by NPR Producer Sasha Aslanian, who spent five years working on an documentary about the children of divorce. 

Mother in lesbian custody battle may have "disappeared" with child :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation. A Judge in Vermont has awarded custody of a child born to a lesbian couple during their civil union to the birth Mother's former partner.

Getting Naked Again: Book on Midlife Dating - Pat Wingert -Barbara Kantrowitz. An interesting article on how women transition after divorce.

Dating and Divorce, Facebook-Style - Eilene Zimmerman An interesting article looking at both sides of relationships and social networking.

Military Divorces continue to increase : Veterans Today . According to the Pentagon, the divorce rate in the armed forces continues to increase despite efforts by the military to help struggling couples. There were an estimated 27,312 divorces among roughly …

Military Divorces continue to increase Read more »

A very interesting article by Janell Ross about the dispute among therapists over adding "parental alienation" to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM ) may be found here. The DSM is a tool published by the American Psychiatric …

Therapists split on 'parental alienation' Read more »

An interesting article by W. Bradford Wilcox on whether the current state of the economy can save marriages can be found here. The article notes: But there may be a silver lining in all this financial pain. For most married …

Can the Recession Save Marriage? Read more »

The holidays can prove to be an extremely difficult time for families where the parents are no longer together.  An article with some great tips to ease the pressure of the holiday season can be found here. Among the 12 …

Twelve ways of Christmas Read more »

A little known fact among the public but well known to divorce attorneys is that the days following the year end holidays are the busiest time of year for divorce filings.  An article which can be found here provides some …

Christmas time is also divorce time: UK survey Read more »

Divorce cases seem to be getting more and more acrimonious and text messaging seems to be fueling the fire.  A great article byAndrea Canning, Linda Owens & Susan Clarke on this topic can be found here. The article notes: "Texting …

If You Want to Keep It Hidden, Don't Text or Post it Online, Experts Say Read more »