How you take care of mom or dad can transform your relationships forever When 51-year-old Bernice — the youngest of four children and the closest in temperament and geography to her parents — stepped up to become the primary caregiver for her …

Sharing Caregiving Among Brothers and Sisters Read more »

Who speaks for you if you are not able to speak for yourself? Who determines what kind of care you want at the end of life, how your finances are handled, how your estate will be distributed? You do … …

Want control at the end of your life? Here's what you need Read more »

The importance of mediation is increasingly recognized in resolving family disagreements among siblings concerning the best interests of parents affected by dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease. When an individual suffers from dementia, behavior changes often create frightening and dangerous circumstances. …

Elder Care: Mediating family disputes over dementia Read more »

One or both parents requiring care can create serious stresses and conflicts within families. Sometimes disagreements and misunderstandings over elder care or inheritance issues can lead families to break apart, affecting descendants for generations. To avoid this, elder mediation is …

SENIOR SIGNALS: Family strife over elder care? Consider an elder mediator Read more »

John F. Kennedy once said, "Civility is not a sign of weakness... Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate." Negotiation is a highly valued skill in business, and is perfected over years and …

Your Demeanor Can Affect Your Divorce Mediation Read more »

My 92-year-old aunt, who is cognitively impaired and requires a walker or wheelchair to get around, still lives in her own apartment, where round-the-clock home health aides help her get to and from the bathroom, bathe, dress and undress, and …

With Help Here and There, Preserving Independence in Old Age Read more »

Boston University economist Larry Kotlikoff's Social Security Secrets have become one of the hottest online features ever at the NewsHour. He's been building his list of secrets for the past two months at various web venues -- the Huffington Post …

On the QT: A Few More Social Security Secrets Read more »

The Social Security Handbook has 2,728 separate rules governing its benefits. And it has thousands upon thousands of explanations of those rules in its Program Operating Manual System, called the POMS, which provides guidance on implementing the 2,728 rules. Talk …

34 Social Security Secrets You Need to Know Now Read more »

For an increasing number of Baby Boomer daughters, Mother’s Day is a world removed from breakfast in bed and a homemade card with tiny outlined fingerprints. Rather, it is a day – like so many others – to focus on …

For Baby Boomers, Mother's Day Puts Focus On Elder Care Crisis Read more »

Conversations we loathe: Telling a spouse that it's over. Explaining sex to our kids. Asking our elderly parents about their finances. How do you broach that last subject without sounding greedy? It's an important conversation to initiate, experts say. “It's …

Parents' finances: When the family secret is Mom's bank balance Read more »