Have an attorney represent you who is experienced in Family Law, especially with regard to drafting and negotiating pre- and post-nuptial agreements. Make sure that this is discussed months in advance of the wedding and not presented at the last …

Henry Gornbein: Prenuptial Agreements: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Read more »

In my first blog in this series I described research which shows that divorce is not inevitably damaging to children. Indeed, ongoing research continues to support the contention that, overall, children from divorced families are not significantly worse off, psychologically, …

Joseph Nowinski, Ph.D.: Helping Children Survive Divorce: Talking to Children About Divorce Read more »

The biggest test when remarrying is how your fiancee will fit into your family. What happens when your children are unwilling to accept your new love?" It is not always a matter of if the child likes or dislikes the …

Parenting: Advice to consider when your kids don't like the new love in your life Read more »

A common misconception about divorce is that lawyers will take care of everything in your case. Too many men watch their own divorce unfold as idle bystanders without realizing they are the experts in their divorce, not their lawyer. Failing …

Joseph E. Cordell: Not Staying On Top Of Things With Your Divorce Case Can Cost You Read more »

Divorce is painful -- anyone who has been through the process will attest to that. But, sometimes, divorce is less painful than staying in a relationship that has become abusive. The problem, of course, is that it's exponentially more difficult …

Seven Steps to Protect Your Assets When Leaving an Abusive Marriage Read more »

Last week a clown walked into my office, decked out in a creepy clown costume, a painted smile and tearfully asked, "My wife and I are already divorced. Is there something I can do to get her the hell out …

Nancy Fagan: Cut the Marital Cord, Already! Read more »

One of the articles I wrote for The Huffington Post regarding alimony brought up a lot of emotion from women who have been raising children and feel they deserve to be paid for the service. It seems that some feel …

Divorce And The Marriage Contract Read more »

The American Values Group is offering couples an alternative to divorce. The group says research shows that divorces are out of control and that couples don't take the time to find solutions to their problems. That's why the group is …

Group rallies to keep couples from divorcing with a one year waiting period Read more »

"Daddy lets me eat in my room if I want to." "I don't have a curfew when I'm at Mom's house." "Mom doesn't make me clear my dinner plate!" "Dad says it won't hurt me to eat donuts for breakfast." …

Joseph Nowinski, Ph.D.: How Can Children Survive Divorce When Parents Play The 'Limits Game'? Read more »

Divorce sucks. Especially when your lawyer tells you that you are likely going to come out with the short end of the stick. Even legal sophisticates, meaning those who have experience with courts and lawyers because of their business affairs, …

5 Support Arguments That Don't Matter in Divorce Court Read more »