It's complicated, this question of legitimizing gay marriage. Americans are grappling with it from their homes to the halls of government in the shadow of a presidential election next year. The ambivalence is reflected in a new poll that shows …

53% say government should legally recognize gay marriage Read more »

How does your ex make you angry? "How much time do I have?" you ask. The list is probably detailed, extensive and, quite frankly, repetitive. In fact, the dozen or more daily offenses perpetrated by your ex are most likely …

The High Road Of Divorce Read more »

In an earlier blog I addressed a common myth about boys: that they are innately "tougher" than girls, both physically and emotionally. This myth can be dangerous because it can lead divorcing parents to believe that their sons will be …

Helping Children Survive Divorce: The Myth of the Mature Teen Read more »

RED FLAG #10: If your spouse is facebooking with his or her high school sweetheart on a daily basis, you may be heading for a divorce. While I don't personally believe it poses an issue if your spouse has occasional …

Ten Signs Your Marriage is Headed for Divorce Read more »

It's that time of year again, back to school. Like most families, we get ready for a new school year purchasing school supplies, shopping for school clothes, and getting in that last trip to the beach or pool so we …

Mom's House, Dad's House -- When Going Back and Forth Doesn't Work for Going Back to School Read more »

Donna M. is a long-distance grandmother. Through technology she has been able to maintain a relationship with her sixteen-year-old grandson. She pokes him on Facebook and, a couple of times a month, they visit on Skype. When her son and …

When Grandparents Are Shut Out Read more »

Here's how you don't break it to the kids. You don't look at them and say, "You know what little Johnny, little Susie, your mother hates your father now so we are leaving him. You will get to see that …

So You're Getting Divorced. How Do You Break The News To The Kids? Read more »

A tremendous advantage of getting a postnup is that the couple can gain an understanding of the legal system that they would only have in hindsight if they had divorced. And it can truly resolve a couple's issues regarding disagreements …

The Legal Alternative Every Couple Should Know About Before Going to Divorce Court Read more »

Can a piece of paper save a marriage? One suburban Boston couple figured it was worth trying so they entered into a legal agreement to manage a major source of tension in their relationship - money. The couple, in their …

Quit fighting -- get a postnuptial agreement Read more »

Stock-market turmoil once again has Americans worrying about their 401ks and individual retirement accounts. But families can be blindsided by another aspect of these accounts: confusing rules about who is entitled to the assets in circumstances such as the account …

Who Inherits the 401k or IRA? The Answer May Surprise You. Read more »