For 16 years, between the time I split up with my son's mother and the time he left school and moved in with me full-time, I was what might be termed a quarter-time dad. Although I was a parent to …

My boy with two homes Read more »

As anyone who’s been a stepparent can attest, it can be challenging, frustrating, confusing, and rewarding. And all that work deserves a little recognition. So, in honor of National Stepfamily Day (bet you didn’t know it’s today!), we reached out …

Helping stepparents avoid the big mistakes Read more »

The American Psychiatric Association has a hot potato on its hands as it updates its catalog of mental disorders — whether to include parental alienation, a disputed term conveying how a child's relationship with one estranged parent can be poisoned …

Psychiatric experts assess parental alienation Read more »

Newlywed? Congratulations! Hope the wedding was grand. And now...let the fighting begin. Marriage is a lot of things—a source of love, security, the joy of children, but it's also an interpersonal battlefield, and it's not hard to see why: Take …

Are You at Risk for Divorce? It’s Not Whether You Fight, But How You Fight That Matters Read more »

You've decided to seek a divorce. Your nerves are frayed. The in-laws are asked pointed questions. The children are beginning to act up in all-too-transparent ways. To top it off your pleasantness is in the midst of an earthshaking landslide. …

10 Reasons To Try A Divorce Mediator Read more »

It is Friday afternoon and Ned and Nancy Flaherty are being picked up from school by their mother, Kathleen. They look much like any other family. Nancy, 11, is chatting about swimming and Ned, 13, is complaining about homework. But …

The children who have two homes Read more »

Death and taxes may be prominently linked, but many Americans face divorce long before death, and a divorce can be almost as, well, taxing. If you're careful, it's possible to divorce and not face major tax bills. But a surprising …

How To Make Divorce Less Taxing Read more »

When it comes to the financial side of divorce settlements, I frequently see evidence that either no financial planning was done or that well-hidden financial benefits miraculously end up skewed to one side or the other. Either the financially sophisticated …

Making Cents: How to come out a winner in a divorce Read more »

By the time Zulema Green turned 12, her mother had been divorced three times. Her husband, Cory Green, was 3 when his father abandoned his family. As the Georgia couple recently celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary at an upscale restaurant …

Children of divorce vow to break cycle, create enduring marriages Read more »

(Mediate Michigan doesn't agree with all the information in this article however the article provides a good overview.  Please note: specifics in the law vary from state to state.) Anyone going through or contemplating a divorce has basic questions in …

15 top questions for a divorce lawyer Read more »