Remarriages and competition for visitation are only two of the issues grandparents face when their son or daughter gets divorced. For many grandparents, it's feeling cut off even if the custodial parent lives in the same town. It's important to …

Cyberspace Grandparenting Eases Divorce Read more »

Almost everyone involved in divorce becomes frustrated by the legal process. Both mothers and fathers feel like the system works against them. In recent years, there has been accumulating evidence that mediation can prevent many of the legal hassles faced …

How To Prevent Litigation In Divorce Disputes Read more »

Research indicates that too few parents sit down and explain to their children that their marriage is ending. They also don't encourage their children to ask questions. Parents often say nothing, leaving their children confused. When parents do not explain …

How To Tell Your Kids You're Divorcing Read more »

Let’s not sugarcoat it: Divorce sucks. Even if you’re happy to end your marriage, it can be a traumatic experience that turns your life upside down. And that’s not surprising, given that divorce shakes up your living situation, your finances …

5 Common Estate-Planning Mistakes When Getting Divorced Read more »

Divorce can be one of the most emotionally challenging ordeals a person can go through. And in these economic times, more and more divorcing couples are having to deal with the added stress of dealing with a house whose mortgage …

How to Divorce When Your Home Is Drowning in Debt Read more »

They still fight like cats and dogs in divorce court. But more and more they are fighting about cats and dogs. Custody cases involving pets are on the rise across the country. In a 2006 survey by the 1,600-member American …

Pet Custody Cases Increasing, Divorce Lawyers Say Read more »

Couples who might be headed for a nasty breakup should be careful about texting, which could end up as evidence against them in divorce court. More than 90 percent of the top divorce lawyers in the United States say they …

Text messages have a way of emerging in divorce court Read more »

As a matrimonial attorney, the very first thing I say to every new client is, "Shut down your Facebook account and stop texting immediately." While not everyone necessarily follows this advice, the ones that do are in much better shape …

Ken Altshuler: Getting Divorced? Stop Texting and Get Off Facebook Read more »

Teens are like toddlers on hormones who want and need to separate from you. Parenting them under any circumstances can be tough, but co-parenting teens who move between two households presents particular challenges. The following are a few common issues …

7 Tips For Co-parenting Teens Read more »