If spring is the season for love, is summer the season for divorce? A rash of recently announced celebrity divorces and separations—Tiger and Elin, Al and Tipper, and now the Gores'; daughter, Karenna—makes it feel as if everyone is untying …

5 Risk Factors for Divorce Read more »

Mikael Karlsson owns a snowmobile, two hunting dogs and five guns. In his spare time, this soldier-turned-game warden shoots moose and trades potty-training tips with other fathers. Cradling 2-month-old Siri in his arms, he can’t imagine not taking baby leave. …

In Sweden, the Men Can Have It All Read more »

Knowing the mother of a baby is fairly self-explanatory, but knowing the father is always a biological question. Until the time of conclusive blood tests, fathers would be able to contest their paternity (and still can), with all the rights …

Legally Speaking - Paternity Read more »

Kevin Ireland created his blog in January 2008. He called it "My Divorce Sucks." "If you are reading this then you probably know me," his first post begins. "I needed a way to let everyone know what is going on …

Worst. Divorce. Ever. Read more »

The breakup of the 40-year marriage of former Vice President Al Gore and his wife Tipper raises the intriguing question: What is the likelihood that a long-duration marriage will end in divorce? On an annual basis, the probability is very …

At Long Last, Divorce Read more »

In the discussion that followed this week’s news that Al and Tipper Gore were separating — the “if they can’t make it, who can” ruminations — we heard that the breakup of such long-term marriages is going to be more …

Divorce: It’s Not Always About You Read more »

Divorce mediation to many seems like a complex process; however, it is increasingly becoming a preferred method of reaching agreements after making the decision to separate or divorce. In addition to being more cost-efficient, the process allows parties to make …

New York mediation lawyer Explains: Divorce Mediation Read more »

Your company has a dispute with a customer, or perhaps a vendor, and a valuable relationship is at risk, not to mention your money and your reputation. Are you doomed to fight it out down at the courthouse in the …

Mediation provides low cost solution for dispute resolution Read more »

You've decided to seek a divorce. Your nerves are frayed. The in-laws are asked pointed questions. The children are beginning to act up in all-too-transparent ways. To top it off your pleasantness is in the midst of an earthshaking landslide. …

10 Reasons To Try A Divorce Mediator Read more »

Married people tend to be healthier than single people. But what happens when a marriage ends? New research shows that when married people become single again, whether by divorce or a spouse’s death, they experience much more than an emotional …

Divorce, It Seems, Can Make You Ill Read more »