If you or someone you know is heading toward, or already embroiled in, a divorce, the term can make your eyes glaze over: qualified domestic relations order. For an ex-spouse, though, those four words can spell the difference between a …

Splitting Up Retirement Assets in a Divorce Read more »

Layoffs, wage cuts, foreclosures and other financial setbacks are forcing many couples into reworked settlements, creative separations and postponements, divorce experts say. Enrollment in self-help classes for divorce is also rising. via Divorce? In this recession, it's anything but fun …

Divorce? In this recession, it's anything but fun Read more »

An Op-Ed piece in the New York Times ("No Fault of Their Own", by the marriage and family therapist Ruth Bettelheim, Feb. 17, 2010) has proposed "no-fault custody proceedings" as a solution to bitter struggles about child custody when couples …

Divorce and Child Custody: Complexities and "No-fault Custody" Read more »

If eHarmony is the Web site bringing lovebirds to the threshold of marriage, Facebook is the one showing up for the divorce. The world's most popular social media site is revolutionizing the divorce experience, pouring toxin into virtually every stage …

Facebook plus divorce equals flammable situation Read more »

AS we have just passed the 40th anniversary of that much vilified institution, the no-fault divorce, it is an appropriate moment to re-evaluate how divorce affects families, and particularly children. The California law took effect on Jan. 1, 1970, and …

Child Custody Should Be ‘No Fault,’ Too Read more »

There’s nothing that can upset a financial plan more quickly and thoroughly than a separation or divorce. Thankfully, there are ways to prepare yourself. Here’s what you need to know when you’re thinking of making the big split. via Divorce …

Divorce by the numbers Read more »

Your family is not named Lohan or Spelling, and your feuds aren’t plastered across People or Us magazines. But they are still painful, hurtful and destructive — emotionally and physically — to the parties involved as well as to other …

Family feuds cause collateral damage Read more »

Sick of picking up your husband's socks or bickering over the washing up? Gabrielle and Jan Henning may well have hit upon the perfect solution for battling spouses - living next door to each other. Here, the pair, who are …

The secret of a happy marriage? Live next door to your husband Read more »

Divorce rarely helps and often hurts a business, according to a survey by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.The bad news on this Valentine’s Day is that of those survey respondents who experienced a divorce, nearly half said the break-up had …

Survey: Divorce is bad for business Read more »

While the marriages of John and Elizabeth Edwards, Mark and Jenny Sanford, and Tiger and Elin Woods have flamed out in a most spectacular and public fashion, most divorces I have witnessed (among both clients and friends) have produced far …

When Harry Ditched Sally: Parenting During Divorce Read more »